20 August, 2008
-New Hairstyle-

i loveeee my new hairstyle. hahaha.
special thanks to tiff for the company and recommends us to such a great hairdresser.
i feel like my head looks like mushroom now.
but somehow i just like it so much. hahaha. don't know why. weird.
the hairdresser is a very nice guy also. hehe.
rachel cut her hair too!!


went to kino aft tt.
bought a book then we sat down at coffee club and read our books there.
i read 'an hour to live and an hour to love'
it's a very simple book written in a simple english and yet it's very touching.
i always prefer true story rather than fiction.
however sometimes fiction books are nice also. haha.

at the end of the book, there's this question that i don't know how to answer.
'if u had one hour to live and could make just one phone call, who would it be to, what would you say, and why are you waiting?'

hmm, when i wrote this, an answer came into my mind.
i would call my parents and mbak u.
i will said 'thanks for taking a very good care of me. so sorry if i've ever hurt u. u r the greatest thing that ever happen in my life. love u so much, more than anyone else.'
suddenly i miss them more and more and moreeeeee.
feel like goin home now.
it will be nice if i own a plane. hahaha.
instead of ordering my driver to prepare the car, i will order my pilot to prepare my plane. haha.
what a weird imagination.

PS: i love u, dad. i love u, mum. i love u, mbak u.

have a little faith,
9:19 PM

18 August, 2008
-17 agustus-an di SIM-

i feel like im in Indo when i entered SIM today.
cuz there was a celebration for indo's independence day at sch. haha.

so cool right.
they sang indonesian songs.
rachel asked me what's the meaning of 'HUT' there.
it stands for 'Hari Ulang Tahun' which means something like Birthday. haha.

Indo rockzzzz. haha.
actually i feel like blogging in bahasa indonesia again u know. hmm.

that's all i wanna share to u all. haha.
what a short post.

i'm downloading jay chou's videos now. haha.

have a little faith,
7:45 PM

17 August, 2008
-Indo's Bday-

Happy 63th bday Indonesia!!!
im goin to write in bahasa indonesia.
just bcuz today is indo's bday. haha.

okayyy, ini post pertama yg pakek bhs indo.
bingung neh, apa mesti pakek kata ganti aku ato saya ato gw??
hmm, klo saya tll formal. klo gw, tll gaul. lagian bukan anak jakarte. jd aneh klo pakek gw. haha. kayanya plg pas pakek aku aja deh. haha.

slamet ulang tahun ya Indo tercinta.
semoga di umur yg 63 ini, dikau ga suka korupsi lg. haha. *oops*
hadiah ultah taon ini keren lhoo.
1 emas dari olympic buat cabang olah raga bulu tangkis.
ganda cowo markis kido dan hendra setiawan.
maria kristin dapet bronze.
terakhir lilyana natsir ama nova widianto dapet perak buat ganda campuran.

sebenernya sempet kecewa juga sih soalnya....
buat yg blm tau, ak ngefans bgt ma sony.
baik sony atlet bulutangkis ato sony elektronik. hahaha. ga nyambung.
baru2 aja sih seneng ama kuncoro.
sejak di thomas uber 2008 itu.
dy maennya mantep abis.
langsung deh jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama. hahaha.

hari ini yg di indo kasian bgt.
minggu2 yg msh skul harus masuk n panas2 upacara. haha.
kangen jg sih masa2 itu.
upacara pagi2. keringetan.
klo ga bawa topi dasi ato sepatu kurang item dihukum berdiri di depan.
ada yg tiba2 jatuh pingsan jg.
trus abis upacara ada lomba 17an.
jadi kangeeeeen. biar gimana jg Indo emg plg TOP deh.

oh ya, kmrn ngerayain ultahnya si vera di kbox marina square.
ruangannya DINGIN BGT!!!!
kayanya kbox tu singkatan dari kulkas box deh. *sigh*
mgkn jg itu salah satu dari strategi marketing mrk.
kita kan boleh pakek ruangannya dari jam 2 siang sampe jam 7 mlm.
mgkn mrk sengaja bikin ruangannya sampe -10 derajat celcius supaya kita orang ga krasan n buru2 cabut. haha.

udah dikasi warning di depan pintu.
masuk situ kaya di freezer deh beneran.
sampe malemnya pas udah di rumah jg msh dingin.
beneran nih bukan hiperbola.
jadi kaya takut ma AC gt.
semalem suntuk tidur ga pakek AC.

semua pada kedinginan.
yg ini nama cinanya yi chao.
dy punya nama inggris fantasy.
tau kenapa fantasy??
soalnya dy suka maen final fantasy. (-.-)
emg dasar anak yg aneh.
masa tas dipake buat selimut. hahaha.
tp meskipun aneh gt anaknya baek kok. hee.

laen cina laen korea.
ni org korea. namanya jun, mencoba menghangatkan diri dgn menyalakan lighter.
hmm, pinter jg. haha.

yg ulang tahun yg tengah tuh. veraWATI. haha.
happy bday yg ke 21, WATI.
mg2 taon ini lbh baek dr taon2 sebelumnya.
mg2 km suka surprise pary n psp-nya.
smg jg ultah kali ini berkesan buat km. hee.

vick n jun.
di sini jun msh sok cool.

di sini muka normal.
fyi, muka dy tuh sll tanpa ekspresi gt deh.
dan foto yg terakhir.....

cute bgttttt. gila. hahaha. lucu abis ni anak.

fanni. dy yg ngerencanain semua ini buat vera.
amazing. she did put lots of efforts for this surprise party.

WATI, tiff, me and vick. hee.

kue ultahnya neh. (vick, pinjem fotonya. haha)
enak bgtttt.

WATI lg potong kue.

9 of us. hee. ^^

dan akhirnya, pulang brg vick.
maunya nonton final badmin brg di tempatku.
tp ternyata ga disiarin gt.
malah di tvri indo yg ada. zzzz.
jadinya nonton lari deh. haha.
tp seru juga kok.
perkenalannyaa 5 menit, larinya cm beberapa detik, muter2 lapangan buat ngerayain kemenangan 5 menit.
dengan kata laen, hal2 yg ga penting lbh lama dari larinya itu sendiri!!
parah bgt deh. haha.
si vicky udh excited bgt kmrn indo dapet emas.
udah gila sendiri dy. haha.

yg terakhir, gara2 di kbox kmrn lagu2 jay chou berkumandang terus, skr jd suka lg deh ma mas jay. haha. terutama ma lagunya yg judulnya Qing Tian.
enak bangeeeet. lalala~~~

have a little faith,
8:55 PM

15 August, 2008

bro's friend: 'what happen to ur hand?'
me: *puzzled* huh? nothing happen. why?
bro's friend: 'how come lots of white stain??'
me: 'oh, i've just finished my exam.'
(actually the stain is because of the correction pen but i didn't mention it to him)
bro's friend: 'ur exam is painting huh?'
me: *burst into laughter*

anyway, there r lots of things happened recently.

1. my car was officially sold alr. hahaha. bye2 my SGQ33xxS.
so happy!! hope ur new owner knows how to take care of u better than i do.

2. my exam period is over.
today was my last paper, econs.
maths one is still ok but econs.... damn difficult.

3. pictures when we studied together for the exam.

inspired by the olympic's weightlifting, we tried to carry each other.
but i carry no one. scared later i don't have enough strength then drop them. hahahaha.

rachel was pretend that she can swim. hahaha. actually she can't.
so poor thing.
next time let's swim together gals.

nice2 picture.
group picture are always taken in my bedroom. haha.
the clothes hanging behind is not mine btw.

loveeee this pic. haha. so cute huh?

edited one. ^^

i loveeee to study with them.
studying with friends is indeed the best way to learn. hee.

have a little faith,
5:59 PM

-crazy michael-

*take a look at my girlfriend. she's the only one i got. ba ba da da*
vick's phone was ringing.

vicky: 'hello'
michael (our classmate): 'hello, vicky. u studied econs alr?'

then they talked about econs thingy and fyi, mic has a plan to SKIP THE EXAM!!
crazy huh?
he said he will attend the exam for the first 30 mins, sign the attendance and then bye2 exam hall.
he didn't study at all.

vick was asking, 'if u don't study anything at all, then what u goin to do during the exam?'
michael: 'drawing lor'
vick: 'huh?? draw what?'
michael: 'i don't know. just draw anything'
what the.... really serious leh.

and since me and vick got nothing to do, we continue to make fun of him. hahaha.
so bad huh?

me&vick: 'eh, u know there's this website where the lecturer uploaded the exam paper'
michael: 'really??? gimme the address please'
me&vick: 'www.plurk.sim.edu.sg'
michael: 'what??'
me&vick: *spell it for him* p-l-u-r-k. (michael still did not get it)
michael: 'ah, nvm lar. forget it.'
me&vick: 'it's PLURK.COM!!'

oh myyyy... even if the exam paper is really uploaded, he didn't want to know also.
but then when we was about to hang up the phone, he ask again.

michael: 'plurk.com right?'
me&vick: 'ya ya, u have to go to their website. sign up first. then u typed in the small white box there, request to the admin that u want to get the exam paper'
michael: 'OK'

and u know what, he really go to plurk.com and did it!!!
we laugh like crazy at that time.
u know that plurk is actually kind of timeline journal. hmm, a bit similar to friendster.
see what he typed.

the admin is actually me.
i changed my display name. hahaha.
gd luck for the paper mic!!

i've got so many pictures to upload!!
will blog again aft my paper. hee.

have a little faith,
8:12 AM

08 August, 2008
-study time-

tiff molest my bei bei again u see!!!

she forced it to wear the me-to-you's clothes. hahaha. but so cute lah.
today me, tiff, rach, and vick study together at my plc!! haha.
as usual, we never miss out the photo session.

she was talking to the copy of my father's IC. haha.
rachel always got weird imagination. we bet her blood type is AB.

vicky, desperately lonely.

i love rachel's smile here. so natural and she seems so happy.

weirdo. i don't know what she doin. haha.

group pictureee. can see where's rachel? hahaha. she's in the picture.
anyway, she was very funny this evening.
she suppose to go to the free yoga class then she asked me

Rachel: 'what bus go to river valley?'
Eliz: 'can take 970. about 45 mins from here.'

then around 5.30 she went to the bus stop and waited for 970 to come.
but aft 1/2 an hour, the bus still didn't come.
end up with, she came back to my place. hahaha.
not funny hor?
i don't know how to put in the funny way. hahaha.
just pretend to laugh.

actually im blogging because today is 08.08.08. hahaha.
so nice hor?
but this one nicer.

i found this at my friend's friendster.
if u rotate it 180 degree, it will become their anniversary's date.
so cute larrrr.
i wish i could have this kind of anniversary date also.
but too bad, too late liao. haha.

and lastly, we made an emoticon again. haha.

PS: thanks to vick for helping me move the tagboard. haha.
thanks for changing my profile pic also.

have a little faith,
9:59 PM

07 August, 2008
-plurk plurk plurk-

faster join plurk and u'll never regret!!!
it's damn fun!!
do add me ok. ^^


have a little faith,
12:43 AM