pheww, finally i managed to blog about my bday.
there are so many pictures.
need to resize and upload it one by one. *sigh*
my first bday celebration was at home, 12.01am, with my family.
ate mee-sua and cheese cake from bread talk.
before that, i received a call from tongee!!
she greet me happy bday before 12am so that she can keep talking to me and don't let me pick up others phone call.
so evil huh?
but anyway thanks a lot to tongee and vick who called me that night. hee.
thanks to others who send me messages to my hp and send comments to my fs too.
really appreciate it.
so happy that u all remember my special day. hee.
presents that i received that night.

mbak u gave me this.
for me, it's the most precious one.
the effort that she put in and her sincerity makes me feel so touched. ^^

Manchester United mug!! haha.
try to guess who gave me this.
for sure it's my bro lar. hahaha.
he asked me to use this mug to eat cereal everyday.
so sweet!!
but the mug is damn big lar.
cannot use to eat my breakfast. too big!!!

wallet from my mum.
actually her intention is not to give this wallet to me.
she was using this wallet to wrap her present.
so creative!!
thanks mum!! hehe.
can't post pressie from my dad.
it's a secret!!! hehee.
then aft tt, went to sch in the afternoon.
maths class.
tiff, vick, sam, ngang and naomi gave me this super cute me to you!!
thanks gals.
will take care of it and won't let anyone of u kidnap it.
esp tiff. hahaha.

in the classroom.

LT 1.03.
pay attention to tiff's face. hahaha.

tiff has that face again!! hahaha.
her fave pose of the day.
then aft sch...

they brought a cake to sch.
ahhh, so nice, so touched.
thanks a lot gals.
i really really happy to the max. hee.

make a wish.

me and the gals.
luv ya all.

my dirty face. hahaha. chocolates everywhere.

my pressie.
it doesn't smell bad ok.
i dunno why she pose like that. hahaha.

rachel, vick and the bear have a hood. hehe.

they were trying to kidnap my bearrrr. heeeelp. hehehe.
then aft sch, having dinner with my fam at crystal jade restaurant.

before we start to eat, my daddy give me another pressie which i did not expect at all.

new ipod nano!! hahaha.
he knows that i always use silicon case for my phone and ipod.
so, he did not forget to buy the case as well.
so sweeeetttt. hoho.
and another unexpected thing, my mum gimme another pressie also.
this cute bear and one more 'secret pressie'. hehee.
hint: only a gal can wear it. hahaha.

on the 6th, celebrate my bday with the gals.
watched 10 promises to my dog at PS and have dinner at taka.

i like the show!!
so touching and the dog is so cuteeee.

there's an unanswered question aft watched the movie.
did 'he' cry?? hahaha.
we never know.

waiting for others to come, take picture first!! hehee.

the tickets.

before go in to the cinema.
still without shuzhen.
she told me that she still on her way and ask us to go in first.
she managed to come before the show starts and she brought this huge monkey!!!

argh!! so cuteeee.
it becomes a superstar for the whole evening.
everyone wants to take picture with it. hahaha.

then we went to taka aft the movie.
dinner at crystal jade restaurant.

everytime they serve our dishes, we will take picture first then eat. hahaha.

first dish, prawn ball.


peking duck.

sweet and sour pork.

kailan with oyster sauce.

duck meat.

fried rice with salted fish and chicken.

e-fu noodle.

last one, my fave!!!
longevity bun.

luv the taste, luv the shape. hee.

naomi and rach.

sam, tongee, tiff.

tiff, naomi, rach, vick.
naomi so cuteeee.
she always got lots of funny expressions one.

me and sam.

us again. hee.

naomi, rach, vick, sherly.

tongee tried to pinch her pimple. hee.

vicky looks like 'sotong' right? hahaha. jk2.

naughty tiff!! hahaha.

familiar with this pose?
she tried to copy someone. hahaha.

my monkey wants to eat too!! haha.

group pictures

gals only.

she looks like tyra banks here!! hahaha.

copy tyra's pose.

14 of us.
me and sam try to cover tongee's face. hahaha.
poor tong.

anyway it's suppose to be 15 of us.
but vera didn't manage to come.
missed her morning flight from indo.
so, she just reached sg at night.
so sad.

yunita so cuteeee.

the superstar monkey.
it's almost in every pic!! hee.

sam's speciality, come up with such a weird pose. hahaha.

me, martin and his gf, my bro.

with tiff.

me, shuzhen and her bf, eric.

there's sth weird in this pic.
shuzhen got 4 arms. hahaha.




monkey's fat ass. hee.




rachel. muacks. haha.

vicky angry-auntie. kekeke.
aft dinner, still taking pictures again in front of the restaurant.

try to find shuzhen's eye and yunita's eyebrow. hehe.
went home aft camwhoring.
received a present from yunita & sherly.

cute winnie the pooh key chain. hee.

chocolate from martin and his gf.

the superstar jumped into my bed immediately.

my 4 precious.
there's no space for meee!!
tell me how should i sleep tonight??
finally, it's the end of my long long post.
thanks to all of u for coming to my bday.
thanks for the presents.
u all make my bday complete!!
thanks for the bday wishes everyone!!
it means a lot for me.
i don't know how to express my happiness alr.
luv ya all.!!!!